"I brought candles and papers and placed them in front of the guests. I went into the main bedroom, opened the clothes closet, took out a pair of pajamas that belonged to my wife, and returned to them. I handed the pants to Uncle Suleiman, who in turn gave them to Dr. Qasim, who was older than him. I sat in front of them in my seat. I look at what is going on.. I look at the entire crowd with wide-eyed eyes, as if I were a camera and it is capturing the scene of a "close-up" on the face of the sixty-year-old man acting as the mediator, as he holds my wife's pants, and takes slow successive breaths, as if he smells the smell of the room and the smell of the pants.. As for Suleiman's uncle, he was He muttered some words that inevitably indicated that he was an imposter. Without any preamble, Suleiman's uncle took the white papers, placed them in front of his old friend, and whispered a few words to him, then added while looking at me and the rest: - There are many ways to prepare spirits; So we have put and prepared everything. Maybe we don't need some of those things... We will now start preparing the spirits in that apartment. Whoever wants to leave should leave, either now, or never, until we finish."