A charming high school romance between atender hooligan and an orphanedgirl with enchanting artwork by AmuMeguro. Little did Nao Kogurerealize back in middle school that when sheleft an umbrella and a box of bandages inthe rain for injured delinquent Taiga Onisethat she would meet him again in high school. Naowants nothing to do with the gruff andfrightening Taiga, but he suddenly presentsher with a huge bouquet of flowers and asks her to datehim —with marriage in mind! Is Taigareally so scary, or is he a sweetheart indisguise? Although Nao Kogure was onceafraid of the delinquent Taiga Onise, shewas soon touched by his kind soul. Nao and Taiga plana romantic date on Christmas, but Yashiro,Misaki and Futami push their way in to makeit a party at Taiga’s house instead. Thoughtheir friends leave early to allow Nao andTaiga some time alone, someone elseinterrupts them—Taiga’s mom!