Biological Chemistry is a fast emerging branch of chemistry, which sets out to understand the molecular basis of life through a rigorous understanding of the detailed structure and behaviour of biomolecules. Filling a void in the currently available literature, Essentials of Chemical Biology offers a comprehensive introduction to this dynamic area of chemistry, which will equip chemists for the task of understanding and studying the underlying principles behind the functioning of biomolecules. Hallmark features: * Covers all the basic concepts and ideas associated with the study of the interface between chemistry and biology * Includes many pedagogical features such as worked examples, key concept boxes, problems, and further reading sections to encourage student understanding * Clearly written and richly illustrated, many illustrations in full colour * Offers a fully interactive website to accompany the book with useful links to further resources Essentials of Chemical Biology is an invaluable text for advanced undergraduates taking courses in biological chemistry, bioorganic chemistry and organic and structural chemistry. It is also of interest to biochemists and molecular biologists, as well as professionals within the medical and pharmaceutical industry.,Dem Grenzgebiet zwischen Chemie und Biologie ist dieser ausführliche, auf einem für Studenten geeigneten fachlichen Niveau verfasste Band gewidmet. Auf Vorkenntnissen aus dem physikochemischen Grundstudium aufbauend, erläutern die Autoren die Prinzipien, die der biologischen Funktionsweise von Molekülen zugrunde liegen. Didaktisch durchdachte Details -- typographisch abgesetzte Schlüsselkonzepte, viele durchgearbeitete Beispiele und Übungsaufgaben --, dazu zahlreiche, größtenteils farbige Illustrationen erleichtern das Verstehen und Vertiefen des Stoffs. Ein interaktiver Webserver stellt nützliche Links zu weiteren Informationsquellen zur Verfügung.