Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) is a school entrance exam taken by students in grades 4 through 12 seeking admission into private schools and non-Catholic religious schools throughout the United States. This book focuses on the ISEE Middle Level. The Middle Level ISEE Exam is for students currently in grades 6 and 7 who are candidates for admission to grades 7 and 8. This ISEE Middle Level Book comprehensively covers all the five sections of the ISEE: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Mathematics Achievement and Essay. There are almost 400 questions across 3 full-length practice tests. Each test comes with directions to take the test, time limits, answer keys and detailed explanations, so students can get an immersive experience of the real ISEE. The duration of each test is 2 hours 20 minutes and contains 161 questions. The questions are distributed in each of the sections as mentioned below: 1-20 (20 qs): Verbal Reasoning 21-40 (20 qs): Sentence Completion 1-36 (36 qs): Reading Comprehension 1: Essay Topic Total English Questions = 77 1-37 (37 qs): Quantitative Reasoning 1-47 (47 qs): Mathematics Achievement Total Math Questions = 84 This book will help students not only get familiar with the ISEE in general, but also help them ace the test. The book also includes how the ISEE results are published and how to interpret the performance of the student from the results.