In the world of academia, the divide between groundbreaking research and real-world impact has been a persistent challenge. Scholars, researchers, and academic inventors often find themselves grappling with the intricate process of turning their innovative ideas into tangible solutions that can benefit society, and also secure funding. This disconnect not only leads to the underutilization of valuable intellectual resources but also results in missed opportunities to address pressing societal issues. Moreover, technology transfer offices often struggle with knowledge disparities between inventors and managers, hindering the efficient commercialization of groundbreaking inventions. Converting Ideas to Innovation With Lean Canvas for Invention emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a transformative solution to this longstanding problem. This book introduces the Lean Canvas for Invention (LCI), an academic tool meticulously crafted to bridge the gap between academic research and real-world innovation. The LCI serves as a compass, guiding academic scholars through the complex journey from idea inception to successful commercialization. It equips researchers with the essential knowledge and strategies needed to identify societal problems, develop inventive solutions, secure grants, and navigate the intricate landscape of technology transfer.
Marke |
IGI Global |
9781668483411 |
978-1-66848-341-1 |