"For Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, since his formation as a Jesuit and throughout his life and scientific work, the practice of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius represented the core of his spiritual life. Very early, however, he felt the need to integrate into his spirituality a new vision of an evolutionary universe presented by the modern sciences, which he came across in his scientific education, a fact that could not but also influence his vision of the Exercises. In his first writings-during the First World War, which he took part in as a stretcher-bearer-to the final ones-the very year of his death-one can find a continuous reflection of the ideas contained in the Exercises, although approached from new perspectives, according to his vision of the world through science and the presence of Christ in it. This book presents a series of texts, taken from among the works of Teilhard that illuminate the meditations of the Exercises throughout four weeks, drawing from his vision of God, Christ, and the world. A brief introduction before each text serves to relate it to the content of each of the meditations with references to the text of Saint Ignatius"--