Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Don't Let the Real Test Be Your First Test! Written by two of the lead developers of the Java SE Programmer Exam, OCP Java SE 6 Programmer Practice Exams is filled with more than 260 realistic practice questions to prepare you for this challenging exam. To help you understand this material, in-depth explanations of both the correct and incorrect answers are included for every question. This practical guide covers all official objectives for Exam 310-065 and is the perfect companion to SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide. Covers all OCP Java SE 6 Programmer exam topics, including: Declarations and Access Control Object Orientation Assignments Operators Flow Control, Exceptions, and Assertions Strings, I/O, Formatting, and Parsing Generics and Collections Inner Classes Threads Development