Madagaskar - Von Makis, Menschen und einem bedrohten Paradies

34,50 €

Madagaskar - Von Makis, Menschen und einem bedrohten...

Jessica Fischer - Zeitlichkeitskonzepte von Latenz als Gender-Figurationen der Romantik (Bettine von Arnim, Clemens Brentano, Karoline von Günderrode)

72,50 €

Jessica Fischer - Zeitlichkeitskonzepte von Latenz als Gender-Figurationen...

The Prokaryotes

498,99 €

The Prokaryotes

Dov Dori - Object-Process Methodology

59,99 €

Dov Dori - Object-Process Methodology

Jean-Pierre Serre - Local Algebra

48,99 €

Jean-Pierre Serre - Local Algebra

E. Bishop Douglas Bridges - Constructive Analysis

138,99 €

E. Bishop Douglas Bridges - Constructive Analysis

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Applied Sciences and Engineering

99,99 €

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Applied Sciences and Engineering

Rudolf Kippenhahn Alfred Weigert Achim Weiss - Stellar Structure and Evolution

109,99 €

Rudolf Kippenhahn Alfred Weigert Achim Weiss - Stellar...

Uta Streit Fritz Jansen - Mathe lernen nach dem IntraActPlus-Konzept

33,95 €

Uta Streit Fritz Jansen - Mathe lernen nach...

Karlheinz Seeger - Semiconductor Physics

87,99 €

Karlheinz Seeger - Semiconductor Physics

Rudolf Kippenhahn Alfred Weigert Achim Weiss - Stellar Structure and Evolution

87,99 €

Rudolf Kippenhahn Alfred Weigert Achim Weiss - Stellar...


306,99 €


Mark de Berg Otfried Cheong Marc van Kreveld Mark Overmars - Computational Geometry

49,99 €

Mark de Berg Otfried Cheong Marc van Kreveld...

Bernhard Korte Jens Vygen - Combinatorial Optimization

62,99 €

Bernhard Korte Jens Vygen - Combinatorial Optimization

Kiyosi Ito - Stochastic Processes

62,99 €

Kiyosi Ito - Stochastic Processes


199,99 €


Uncultivated Microorganisms

219,99 €

Uncultivated Microorganisms

The Prokaryotes

498,99 €

The Prokaryotes

Anthony Gordon Michael Hacker Marc J. de Vries - Advanced Educational Technology in Technology Education

142,99 €

Anthony Gordon Michael Hacker Marc J. de Vries...

John DeSanto - Scalar Wave Theory

99,99 €

John DeSanto - Scalar Wave Theory



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