APPLY THE BESTSELLING SYSTEM TO YOUR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GOALS The 12 Week Year Field Guide is the comprehensive, hands-on workbook to The New York Times bestselling The 12 Week Year. The main volume has already enabled thousands of people at hundreds of companies to double, triple, or in some cases even quadruple their income and results. Now, this powerful companion resource gives newcomers and experienced practitioners an easy, step-by-step framework for repeatedly implementing this powerful performance-enhancing system. Proven in the field of sports by world-class athletes as well as in industries worldwide by professionals in every stage of their careers, The 12 Week Year unlocks potential by bridging the knowing-doing gap with concrete actions for effectively executing the strategies and techniques you already comprehend. Written as a one-to-one consultation with the authors, this in-depth exploration shares expert tips, time-saving tricks, and hard-won wisdom not available in the main volume, along with: * Proficiency-building exercises designed for each phase of The 12 Week Year system * Ready-to-use worksheets to accelerate the time it takes you to practice this approach in your everyday life * Illustrative examples and models for you to emulate and customize to map out your own path to achievement It's not what you know or even who you know that matters, but what you implement that counts with The 12 Week Year Field Guide. The 12 Week Year supercharges the coaching process by incorporating proven disciplines and principles that drive results - all in the context of a 12 week execution cycle. We regularly help our clients to double, triple, and even quadruple their results through 12 Week Year coaching. If you would like to learn more about our speaking, consulting, and coaching programs, visit us at