Doom and Bloom is a self-help book that distils powerful insights into actionable steps to help you turn the sh*t you’ve faced in life into fertilizer for personal growth. Doom is the feeling when everything seems hopeless and hard, and you want to give up. Bloom, on the other hand, is a state of effortless creativity, where solutions surprise you as they flow into reality. Bloom is our highest and most natural state of being, but how do we reach it when the world feels so dark and heavy? In Doom and Bloom bestselling author and YouTube sensation Campbell Walker (aka Struthless) offers us a roadmap. Blending modern research with ancient philosophy, Campbell's witty sense of humour, searing intelligence and intense vulnerability will make you laugh, cry and pull you from the depths of darkness. Creativity is like a garden – you have to start from the ground and work your way up. In Doom and Bloom Campbell teaches us how getting down in the dirt can lead to a blossoming life.