Contemporary American writer Cathy Marie (K.M.) Wayland, winner of prestigious literary awards, is equally popular as the author of scriptwriting and storytelling textbooks. "The Architecture of Story" she has devoted to the structure of storytelling, a central concept in the literary process. After all, a skillfully constructed structure does not suppress creative pursuits but, on the contrary, facilitates the writer's work and enables the creation of compelling plots and three-dimensional characters. Like an architect designing a building, the author of a major literary form moves from the general idea to the details. So in a work of fiction there is a macro level, consisting of the ten steps that Wayland describes. The author then dwells sequentially on the structure of the scene and sentence. "The Architecture of Plot" is addressed to authors of both fiction prose and screenplays for film and television, but will be of undoubted benefit to all readers involved in working on a wide variety of texts.