@2@@20@'A perfect read for a Mediterannean beach' @18@Daily Telegraph@19@@21@@3@@2@When Chris travelled from Sydney to Dublin, he never dreamed his life was about to change forever. There he meets Daniela - one L, smile as you say it to pronounce it correctly - and it's @18@amore@19@ at first sight. Before he can say @18@si@19@, he's uprooted to follow her to her sun-kissed hometown of Andrano, Puglia, tucked in the heel of southern Italy.@3@@2@The whitewashed houses, olive groves and cobblestone lanes are beautiful, but soon Chris is getting to grips with everyday Italian life. There's infuriating bureaucracy, an anarchic road system and - biggest challenge of all - Daniela's @18@mamma@19@, who's determined to convert him to the Catholic faith and build an extension on her house where the couple might live @18@la dolce vita@19@.@3@@2@WINNER OF THE GROLLO RUZZENE FOUNDATION PRIZE@3@