In a good work, the characters are portrayed so accurately that they appear to be real people. They face hardships at the will of the author, face moral choices, risk their health and even their lives. What if the literary heroes of the past and present, who suffered a tragic setback, turned to a therapist in time? Would the parents of King Oedipus from the disaster of parenting counseling? Would Romeo and Juliet's story have unfolded differently had they been older? Would Dracula have been misunderstood by those around him, and would Voldemort have been unloved as a child? Do Christian Grey's erotic fantasies in Fifty Shades of Grey signify his lack of masculinity? Literary scholar and psychiatrist, subjected some famous characters of fiction to psychological analysis in order to understand what explains their failings, which quirks and problems are universal to all, and which ones are determined by the era.