This test prep math textbook is designed to help prepare adult students for the CASAS Math GOALS Test, Forms 917M and 918M Level C/C. Additionally, it aids in preparation for workforce and vocational training entrance math tests. The content of this book aligns with CASAS Competencies, College and Career Readiness (CCR) and National Reporting System (NRS) standards and it follows the CASAS GOALS Math Forms 917M and 918M test blueprint. In other words, it presents learning activities that help adult education and workforce programs meet the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) math expectations. This resource is divided into two parts. Part I offers seven (7) main chapters and covers NRS, CASAS and CCR standards, along with content for Form 917M. It includes the following: NUMBER AND OPERATIONS FRACTIONS OPERATIONS AND ALGEBRAIC THINKING MEASUREMENT AND DATA GEOMETRY STATISTICS, DATA ANALYSIS AND PROBABILITY PRACTICE TESTS AND ANSWER KEYS The second part also entails seven (7) chapters with these addressing the following NRS, CASAS and CCR standards and Form 918M content: NUMBER AND OPERATIONS OPERATIONS AND ALGEBRAIC THINKING NUMBER AND OPERATIONS: FRACTIONS MEASUREMENT AND DATA GEOMETRY STATISTICS, DATA ANALYSIS, AND PROBABILITY PRACTICE TESTS AND ANSWER KEYS