Every day you make a huge number of decisions, answer a stream of emails, make calls, make reports, try to meet deadlines. It seems to you that you are working productively. But by the end of the day you are exhausted like a lemon, and you no longer have the energy for your personal tasks, entertainment, communication with loved ones. The authors of this book, the time management experts at FranklinCovey, believe that a high workload is by no means an indicator of your outstanding performance. They have developed their time management matrix, which will help you not only to cope with the enormous flow of cases, but also to live a full life, to realize your talents and make your work more enjoyable. To do this, you need to learn how to manage decisions, attention and their energy. Five rules described by the authors help to master the necessary skills. They have been tested thousands of times in practice in a variety of environments and have proven themselves perfectly.