In "Scandal," Cosmo Hamilton presents a riveting exploration of societal hypocrisy and the tumult of human emotions amidst a backdrop of early 20th-century morality. The narrative unfolds through vivid characterization and sharp dialogue, utilizing elements of dramatic tension that mirror the complexities of love and betrayal. Hamilton's nuanced depiction of a society teetering on the edge of transformation illuminates the contradictions between public facade and private vice, reflecting the literary context of the period where social conventions were both upheld and critiqued by emerging modernist influences. Cosmo Hamilton, a prominent figure of his era, was deeply attuned to the changing social landscape and the psychological intricacies of his characters. Born into a milieu rich with artistic and literary heritage, Hamilton's experiences informed his keen insights into both scandalous behavior and the moral dilemmas faced by individuals. His background in journalism further augmented his ability to capture the pulse of society, allowing him to convey the nuanced psychology present in his narratives. "Scandal" is a compelling indictment of pretense that captivates both the mind and heart. Readers drawn to intricate character studies and societal critiques will find Hamilton's work indispensable, offering a thought-provoking commentary on the nature of integrity and deception. This novel stands as a timeless reminder of the tensions that persist in human relationships, making it a must-read for anyone intrigued by the dynamics of scandal.
Marke |
Good Press |
9788027297894 |
978-80-272-9789-4 |