The conflict between the sexes is reflected in religious doctrines, from the commandment about one's neighbor's wife to the establishment of mutual sexual obligations between spouses. Its influences prescribe who can and cannot have sex with whom. Its manifestations shape our sexual morality, determining what we should approve and what we should disapprove of. The double standards it engenders are pervasive even in the most sexually egalitarian cultures on earth. But while we all face sexual conflict, most of us see only the tip of the iceberg: cheating on a date, the disreputable adventures of a politician, the slow destruction of a once-happy marriage, the violent breakup of a romantic relationship. The audiobook Why Men Do It shows that the war of the sexes is something much deeper and more global than we think. David Bass reveals the mechanisms of this phenomenon, developed through long evolutionary changes in our sexual psychology, formulates a new unified theory of sexual conflict while offering practical advice to men and women who would prefer to avoid these conflicts.