"David Nihill talks funny. He also writes funny. But his book isn't just entertaining, it's incredibly useful. It's packed with effective and easy-to-implement tips that have helped me in my presentations." —AJ Jacobs, author of Drop Dead Healthy and The Year of Living Biblically "The best public speaking book of all time." —BookAuthority "Your next talk will be 10 times more entertaining if you read this book." —Charlie Hoehn, author of Play It Away: A Workaholic's Cure for Anxiety "The best book of public speaking techniques on the market." —Books Inc. "This is a book you don't just read, it's a book you DO. Look, I'm such an expert in this field that I'm quoted in the book, and even I learned a tremendous amount reading it, so I'm gonna guess you will too." —Bill Grundfest, Golden Globe Winner, 3 Time Emmy Nominee, Founder of NYC's Comedy Cellar "It is one of those rare books that makes you think, laugh, and embrace your quirky self. In an inspiring and entertaining manner, Do You Talk Funny? teaches you how to find your inner storytelling mojo. A great read!" —Michael Margolis, CEO, Get Storied "Not only does David nail how to add funny to your talks, he also practices what he preaches in this very entertaining read. My two complaints are: 1) This book didn't exist when I started as a speaker and 2) I didn't write it." —Andrew Tarvin, author of Humor That Works, award-winning speaker, NYC-based comedian "From writing to performing to where to put your hands, David Nihill will help you become a more humorous storyteller." —Peter McGraw, University of Colorado professor, director of the Humor Research Lab (HuRL), coauthor of The Humor Code: A Global Search for What Makes Things Funny "Read this book and you'll enjoy presenting to people, they'll enjoy listening to you and crucially they'll happily retain your message. A riveting read, a super story, and awesome advice." —Neal O'Gorman, CEO, Artomatix "David's rich life experiences shine through in this wildly entertaining guide to public speaking. Whether you're reading it for fun or to stand out at your next business presentation, I promise you'll be inspired." —Sami Aziz, Producer on ABC's Shark Tank and two-time Emmy Award Winner