We are used to thinking of alcohol as an integral part of everyday life, from a drink with colleagues after work to a daily glass of wine before going to bed. In his work, British psychiatrist and neuropsychopharmacologist David Nutt tried to answer in simple language the countless questions related to the centuries-old symbiosis between humans and ethanol. Why is alcohol a drug? How does it affect our psyche? How do we avoid hangovers? Why does drinking particularly affect the liver? What are the social benefits of drinking? How do you know when you are forming an addiction? Are there successful alcoholics? What strategies help control alcohol use? Is the alcoholic at fault for his or her situation? How do various medications work? What should governments do in this regard? All this information, backed by the most up-to-date scientific data, should help each of us determine for ourselves the ideal dose of alcohol that will bring maximum joy with minimal harm.