The The thouroughly Revised & Updated 3rd Edition of the book Polity Compendium for General Studies CSAT Paper 1, State PCS, CDS & NDA Exams has been thoroughly revised & updated to provide the MOST UPDATED material for the exam. The USP of the book is that the information is captured in a concise and easy to remember methodology which further comprises of Mind Maps, Infographics, Charts, Tables and latest exam pattern MCQs. The emphasis of the book has been on conceptual understanding and better retention which are important from the point of view of the exam. The book captures most of the important questions with explanations of the past years of the IAS Prelim exam, CDS, NDA and other competitive exams distributed in the various chapters. The book is divided into 8 chapters. Each chapter is followed by 2 levels of exercises with 1000+ Simple MCQs & statement based MCQs.