@2@@20@For better, for worse... marriage can be a dangerous game.@21@@16@@20@@21@@16@@20@@379@A page-turning thriller about secrets and revenge, told from the perspectives of a husband and wife who are the most perfect, and the most dangerous, match for each other.@380@@21@@16@@20@@21@@16@@20@@21@@20@Perfect for fans of @18@The Woman in the Window@19@ and @18@The Wife Between Us@19@, and of TV shows @18@Big Little Lies@19@ and @18@The Affair@19@.@21@ @20@@21@@16@@20@@21@@16@@20@******@21@@16@@20@@21@@16@Rebecca didn't know love was possible until she met Paul, a man with a past as dark as her own. Their demons drew them together, but twenty years later, the damage and secrets that ignited their love begin to consume their marriage.@3@@2@When Paul catches the attention of the police after two women go missing, Rebecca discovers his elaborate plot to build a new life without her. And though Rebecca is quickly spiralling out of control, it doesn't stop her from coming up with her own devastating plan for revenge... a plan that could end absolutely everything. @3@@2@@20@With a Shakespearean twist that rivals the best books in the genre, THE WOMAN INSIDE is the unmissable thriller of 2019.@21@@3@