Edward Bulwer Lytton - Pelham or Adventures of a Gentleman

Edward Bulwer Lytton - Pelham or Adventures of a Gentleman

54,99 €

1828. Pelham, conveys the newer, and I believe, sounder moral, of showing how a man of sense can subject the usages of the world to himself instead of being conquered by them, and gradually grow wise by the very foibles of his youth.

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1828. Pelham, conveys the newer, and I believe, sounder moral, of showing how a man of sense can subject the usages of the world to himself instead of being conquered by them, and gradually grow wise by the very foibles of his youth.
Marke Kessinger Publishing, LLC
EAN 9781161359992
ISBN 978-1-161-35999-2


21,50 €

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