In this work, Schelling presented the first system of German idealism. It summarizes the reflection of his early philosophizing and leads into the system of identity. Containing individual chapters on history and art, it introduced subjects which attained great significance in the contemporary discussion and in Schelling’s subsequent philosophy. Schelling’s ›System des transscendentalen Idealismus‹ (System of Transcendental Idealism) was first published in 1800 and then in 1816 in a previously almost unknown Swedish edition. These two editions as well as the publication in the ›Sämmtlichen Werken‹ have been incorporated into the text structure. The known copies of the first printing have been collated. Entries made by Schelling in his own personal copy, which have been handed down in the ›Sämmtlichen Werke‹, are given separately. An editorial report, explanatory annotations and indexes are also included.