You Appreciate Your Coworkers. But Do They Feel Appreciated? In today's workplace it is crucial for employees to feel valued. But that's a challenge when you and your employees communicate appreciation differently. Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Paul White help you: -Elevate employee engagement by making your staff feel truly valued. -Decrease turnover and increase loyalty with your employees and supervisors. -Reduce cynicism and create a more positive work environment. Now with new chapters on: -remote employees and virtual teams -generational differences and appreciation -communicating appreciation between colleagues "A must-have resource for any leader who wants to move the bar from being a good leader to a great leader." -Karen Alber, Founding Partner The Integreship Group, Former CIO of HJ Heinz "We consistently see the teams whose managers use the 5 languages of appreciation perform better each day along with improved team engagement scores." -Evan Wilson, CEO Meritrust Credit Union