In this delightfully charming and heartfelt debut love story, two lonely and wildly different strangers embark on a short-term friendship over one London summer-only to discover they may be something more by the time the season ends. No one would ever call Ava Monroe a people person, which isn't ideal for a barista in a busy London coffee shop. She's sarcastic, blunt, and cynical, and her relationships are strictly no strings attached. With her best friend Josie soon leaving for a year, Ava knows she'll be all alone unless she shakes up her routine. But she can't risk bringing chance back into her carefully controlled life. Then insufferably cheerful, country-hopping, undeniably gorgeous Finn O'Callaghan rolls into her coffee shop with a horrifying proposal -a strictly friends-only summer fling. Finn needs a local to help him complete his London bucket list, and Ava needs to reassure Josie she won't be on her own. And it's only for a few months. To Ava's surprise, their mismatched friendship of convenience becomes oddly tolerable, and as they work their way through Finn's list and around the sun-drenched city, from rooftops and floating bars to nights at the museum, their adventures-and Finn's company-start to feel . . . nice. Incredibly, terrifyingly, dangerously nice. Still, rules are rules-Ava has good reasons for them-and as the days get shorter, Finn's departure gets closer. Because that's the thing about summer: it always ends. Right?