A unique story that picks up after the events of the film Godzilla: King ofthe Monsters, where the Titans have risen and the reign of Godzilla has begun.As told entirely from Godzilla’s point of view, the graphic novel bringsnew insights into the King of Monsters: his habitats, ancient rivalries,challenges, and encounters with new Titans. As his new era of dominance istested, a coming confrontation with another King looms. a unique storythat picks up after the events of the film Godzilla: King of the Monsters, wherethe Titans have risen and the reign of Godzilla has begun. As told entirely fromGodzilla’s point of view, the graphic novel brings new insights into theKing of Monsters: his habitats, ancient rivalries, challenges, and encounterswith new Titans. As his new era of dominance is tested, a coming confrontationwith another King looms.