As society rises from the ashes of war, cybernetically augmented arena fighters battle for fame and fortune...or die trying. It’s the 19th century, and the world has entered the Era of Rebirth, recovering from the devastating flames of war. The sport of Mechanical Martial Arts has galvanized the nations. Cybernetically augmented fighters turn their blood into steam and their bodies into brutal fighting—and killing—machines. Young Levius is one of those arena battlers, hell-bent on winning in order to simply survive. It’s Levius versus Oliver in the championship match at the Southern Slam, the top tournament in Mechanical Martial Arts. Before the fight, Levius learns that the champion’s life may be in danger due to steam syndrome and that only he can save him. No sooner does the starting bell ring, however, than Levius finds out just how dangerous Oliver can be—steam syndrome or not!
Marke |
Diamond US |
9781974714919 |
978-1-974714-91-9 |