"The Time Machine" (English: The Time Machine) is a novel by Herbert Wells, written in 1895, the writer's first science fiction novel. "The Time Machine" was first published in 1888 in an abbreviated magazine form as a short story called "The Argonauts of Time", and in January-May 1895, the novel was published in its entirety in the "New Review" magazine under the title "The Tale of a Time Traveler". A separate edition appeared in May 1895. One chapter was deleted from this and subsequent book editions. The novel was first translated into Ukrainian in 1967 by Mykola Ivanov as part of the collection "War of the Worlds" "Time Machine" became one of the first literary works, which describes the travels of a person in time with the help of technology. The main part of this relatively small work describes the world of the future (year 802,701), where the nameless Time Traveler goes.