Ideas are truly a gift. Write them down and nourish them! This is a 99-page paperback, college ruled journal that will hopefully encourage you to write down your ideas and feed them! Also available in a 77-page hardcover format. This stylish 6 x 9 inch journal is a perfect gift for family, friends, coworkers, or yourself! It is the ideal size to take with you when you're on the go, so you can be ready when a great idea comes to mind! The journal features a glossy cover and perfect paperback binding. All lines are college ruled and the book has a modern, minimalist appeal. We hope that you will be encouraged to write down your thoughts and ideas with a footnote on each page reminding you that your ideas are a gift and you shouldn't hesitate to write them down! Aesthetically appealing and just the right size!
Marke |
1Truth |
9781088289761 |
978-1-08-828976-1 |