The classic play of Ukrainian drama by Ivan Karpenko-Kary "One Hundred Thousand" is a psychological tragicomedy that reveals such human flaws as greed for profit and a consumerist lifestyle. For the main character of the work, the village rich man Gerasim Kalitka, the meaning of life boils down to the point of buying more and more land, becoming richer and surpassing the richest man in the village — Acorn. Seeking to benefit from everything, Kalytka lends money to the best man as collateral and wants to marry her son to the daughter of the rich Puzyry. Blinded by his own greed, he becomes a victim of the intrigues of the Jew Unknown, who sells him a fake one hundred thousand rubles. But even before her death, Kalitka thinks only about money. The abundance of events, the eloquence of the names and the dynamism of the plot support the reader's attention and interest, encourage reflection on life's values.