Do you have a constant anxiety to please others, especially those at the centre of your life (parents, partner, etc.)? Do you think you don't have the right to claim what will satisfy you erotically? Do you often downplay and embellish your partner's faults and flaws? Do you do favors for others in the secret hope that they will return the favor? Do you constantly project a facade of a happy person, even when you feel broken inside? Do you often feel the need to apologize, even for things for which you have absolutely no responsibility? Do you take what you are given instead of pursuing what you really want? If you answered "yes" to several of the above questions, Congratulations! You deserve the title of Good Guy and you are most likely plagued by Chronic Kindness Syndrome. However, don't fret, because your suffering ends here. Implement the 7 revolutionary self-transformation practices suggested in this book and experience - at last - the wholeness and joy of living for yourself and not for others.