GRAMMAR GREMLINS is a book about the little devils that sneak into our writing and speaking, twisting our words so that the message is different from what we intend. If you haven't seen a grammar book in recent years (and have no desire to do so!), perhaps some of these gremlins are spoiling your effectiveness without your realizing it. What to do? Have a look at this little review book - it's filled with errors from newspapers, magazines, television, movies, and other forms of communication. Best of all, each example is corrected and explained in brief (even amusing) detail so that you can "clean up your language" efficiently and painlessly. Now, doesn't that sound better than studying grammar books, which you already did when you were in school (maybe more years ago than you want to admit!!)? If writing and speaking is part of your job, don't you owe it to yourself to spend a few minutes polishing your skills? Maybe you'll discover that some gremlins have crept into your own language. Learn to spot gremlins like these: If she would have told him, he could have done something about it. She was laying on the sofa. Between he and I, we came up with lots of ideas. She was free to choose who she wanted for the job. Seven years in the making, Clyde Herman explains how this project works. GRAMMAR GREMLINS: A Little Blue Book Of Review will help you refresh your skills in writing and other forms of communication. NOTE: Instructors of specialized writing such as letters, brochures, booklets, advertising, etc. will find this review a great introduction to a seminar or class, and the low cost would make it a nice addition to the writing packet.