Jennifer Meyer-Ueding - A Theoretical Framework for Exploring the Capability of Participatory and Collective Governance in Sustainable Decision-Making

Jennifer Meyer-Ueding - A Theoretical Framework for Exploring the Capability of Participatory and Collective Governance in Sustainable Decision-Making

19,90 €

Since the adoption of Agenda 21 the call for more participation in environmental decisionmaking has gained in uence and prominence. This paper presents an extensive theoretical literature review as a starting point for profound scienti c research on the interrelation between collective modes of stakeholder participation and decision-making with sustainable...

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Since the adoption of Agenda 21 the call for more participation in environmental decisionmaking has gained in uence and prominence. This paper presents an extensive theoretical literature review as a starting point for profound scienti c research on the interrelation between collective modes of stakeholder participation and decision-making with sustainable outcomes. On the basis of literature in the elds of participatory governance, collective action theory and diverse sustainability approaches, the paper develops a research matrix with various sub-variables. In addition, the paper reviews the actor-centred institutionalist approach of Fritz Scharpf and Renate Mayntz and system theoretic approaches of David Easton and Gabriel Almond, which are then mutually used for designing a theoretical framework linking collective participation and decisionmaking with sustainable outcomes. The paper concludes by suggesting an application of the elaborated framework and research matrix to empirical studies.
Marke EHV Academicpress
EAN 9783867418973
ISBN 978-3-86741-897-3


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