Brak'thar Bloodmaw, a fierce and battle-hardened half-orc warlock, has embarked on an epic quest where he finds loyal companions. Together, with humor and determination, they venture through dark forests, cursed mountains, and ancient fortresses, uncovering secrets of the land's dark past. From battling monsters, dragons and twisted magic to discovering remnants of ancient curses and forgotten dungeons, Brak'thar's journey has been filled with danger and mystery.After obtaining a powerful yet cursed object, they found themselves drawn into a battle against dark figures who wield forbidden magic. With bravery and fierce determination, Brak'thar and his friends faced off against these figures and unleashed forces that shook the world itself, culminating in the revival of ancient titans. But with dark forces and colossal monsters vying for control, will their allience be enough to break the curse or be swallowed by the shadows themselves?
Marke |
Bookmundo |
9789403770949 |
978-94-037-7094-9 |