Johannes Gustav Warneck Johannes Winkler R. Roolvink - Toba-Batak—Deutsches Wörterbuch

Johannes Gustav Warneck Johannes Winkler R. Roolvink - Toba-Batak—Deutsches Wörterbuch

56,53 €

A revised edition of Joh. Warneck's Toba-Bataksch-Deutsches Worterbuch (Landsdrukkerij, Batavia, 1906). The additions and corrections in this edition are by the late J. Winkler, who, like the author, worked in Sumatra for the Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft. It also includes a 42 page register Deutsch-Batak, compiled by K.A. Adelaar, aimed to facilitate...

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A revised edition of Joh. Warneck's Toba-Bataksch-Deutsches Worterbuch (Landsdrukkerij, Batavia, 1906). The additions and corrections in this edition are by the late J. Winkler, who, like the author, worked in Sumatra for the Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft. It also includes a 42 page register Deutsch-Batak, compiled by K.A. Adelaar, aimed to facilitate the use of the dictionary for linguistic purposes.
Marke Springer Netherland
EAN 9789024720187
ISBN 978-90-247-2018-7


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