Johannes Reuchlin - Johannes Reuchlin: Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Ausgabe mit Kommentar / Band II,1: De arte cabalistica libri tres (1517). Die Kabbalistik

Johannes Reuchlin - Johannes Reuchlin: Sämtliche Werke. Kritische Ausgabe mit Kommentar / Band II,1: De arte cabalistica libri tres (1517). Die Kabbalistik

344,40 €

Reuchlin‹s ‹Kunst der Kabbala‹ (On the Art of the Kabbalah) was published in 1517 in Hagenau by Anshelm and is dedicated to Pope Leo X. In this work, Reuchlin summed up his research and his thoughts on the Jewish secret doctrine of the Kabbalah. This work is a continuation of...

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Reuchlin‹s ‹Kunst der Kabbala‹ (On the Art of the Kabbalah) was published in 1517 in Hagenau by Anshelm and is dedicated to Pope Leo X. In this work, Reuchlin summed up his research and his thoughts on the Jewish secret doctrine of the Kabbalah. This work is a continuation of his previous thoughts from ‹De verbo mirifico‹. It is set up as a dialogue, divided into three books, of which the first and the third deal with issues surrounding the Kabbalah whereas the second book deals with Pythagorean thought. In its time, this work was admired more – or also rejected more – than it was properly understood by scholars. Nevertheless it could contain an important key to Reuchlin‹s thinking and his view of the world. This work, which is not easy to understand, will be published in the original Latin in a text-critical, edited version and with a transation into Modern High German which will be followed by a comprehensive interdisciplinary commentary.
Marke Frommann-holzboog
EAN 9783772817731
ISBN 978-3-7728-1773-1


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