The thrilling adventure based on the acclaimed Star Trek: Picard TVseries! Starfleet was everything for Cristóbal Rios...until onehorrible, inexplicable day when it all went wrong. Aimless and adrift, he graspsat a chance for a future as an independent freighter captain in an area betrayedby the Federation, the border region with the former Romulan Empire. Hisgreatest desire: to be left alone. But solitude isn’t in the cardsfor the captain of La Sirena, who falls into debt to a roving gang of hoodlumsfrom a planet whose society is based on Prohibition-era Earth. Teamed againsthis will with Ledger, his conniving overseer, Rios begins an odyssey that bringshim into conflict with outlaws and fortune seekers, with power brokers and relichunters across the stars. Exotic loves and locales await—as well asdangers galore—and Rios learns the hard way that good crewmembers are hardto find, even when you can create your own. And while his meeting with Jean-LucPicard is years away, Rios finds himself drawing on the Starfleet legend’sexperiences when he discovers a mystery that began on one of the galaxy’smost important days.... ?™; ®, & © 2021 CBS Studios,Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc.All Rights Reserved.