Around the World in 80 Days is an adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, first published in French in 1872. A classic adventure story about the incredible journey of the gentleman Phileas Fogg and his servant-companion Passepartout. Phileas Fogg, who was a member of a respectable London club, had a bet with one of its members. The essence of the bet was to cross the globe in 80 days, that is, to start and end the journey in London at a certain time. Phileas Fogg made accurate calculations and was sure that traveling around the world in 80 days is a reality. However, fate intervened in his travels - Phileas Fogg is followed by Fix, who is mistakenly convinced that the crime that was committed in London on the eve of the departure of Mr. Fogg and Passepartout was the work of Phileas Fogg. But nothing will stop travelers if they are driven by honesty and sincere feelings. Thanks to this novel, you can not only witness an exciting journey, but also learn about the everyday life and specifics of people's lives at the end of the 19th century in different countries, as well as ways of moving people over long distances (some of them are no longer used by travelers).