The date for the delivery of your project is approaching, accumulating many problems that must be solved, waiting for hours of traffic congestion, and bills to be paid, an endless list of things that are pressures on us. In fact, it seems that modern life is full of stress and stress, from the time we woke up in the morning until we go to sleep at night, but what if this fever is good for our health? Although we usually think about stress as a negative thing, there is another aspect of the story: throughout the ages, our bodies have developed methods to deal with stress in more complicated and creative ways than we realize, it may help us pressure to grow stronger and more healthy. In this summary, you will discover how pressures can have healthy effects more beneficial than exercise, and how we have positively overcoming difficult situations, and why retired people have a growing risk of depression.
Marke |
Sahla Books |
9782638811050 |
978-2-638-81105-0 |