Eye changes following loeal and systemic application of steroids are described with reference to a review of the literature. The presentation cannot take into account all publieations nor deal with every topic; it should only be considered as a basis for discussion for further problems. Resume En se referant a un aper9u de la litterature, on decrit les alterations oculaires consecutives a une applieation locale et generale de corticoide. Cette etude no peut rendre compte de tous les travaux ni traiter tous les sujets impliques, elle a seulement pour but de servir de base de dis cussion devant susciter d'autres questions. Literatur Andreani, D., Capalbi, S.: Effetto comparativo dei cortisone edel prednisone rulla vas colarizzazione corneale sperimentale. Giorn. ital. Oftalm. 9, 418-428 (1956). - Aquavella, J. V., Gasset, A. R., Dohlmann, C. H.: Corticosteroids in corneal wound healing. Amer. J. Ophthal. 58, 621-626 (1964). - Ashton, N., Cook, C.: Effect of cortisone on healing of corneal wounds. Brit. J. Ophthal. 35, 708-717 (1951). - Ashton, N., Cook, C., Langham, M.: Effect ofcortisone on vascularisation and opacification of the cornea induced by Alloxan. Brit. J. Ophthal. 35, 718-724 (1951). - Bahn, G. c., Sonnier, E., Allen, J. H.: Therapeutic studies in experimental chemical injury of the cornea. UI. Corticosteroid studies. Amer. J. Ophthal. 48, 253-259 (1959).