EASTERN PHILOSOPHY / TAOISM In 1988 the documentary Ring of Fire was released to great acclaim. The most startling sequence in the film is that of a Chinese-Javanese acupuncturist who demonstrates his full mastery of the phenomenon of ch'i, or bio-energy, by first generating an electrical current within his body, which he uses to heal the filmmaker of an eye infection, and then setting a newspaper on fire with his hand. Ring of Fire caused thousands to seek out this individual, John Chang, in pursuit of instruction. Of the many Westerners who have approached him, John Chang has accepted five as apprentices. Kosta Danaos is the second of those five. In his years of study with John Chang, Danaos has witnessed and experienced pyrokinesis, telekinesis, levitation, telepathy, and much more exotic phenomena. He has spoken with spirits and borne witness to the afterlife. Most important, he has learned John Chang's story. John Chang is the direct heir to the lineage of the fifth-century B.C. sage Mo-Tzu, who was Confucius's greatest rival. His discipline, called the Mo-Pai, is little-known in the West and has never before been the subject of a book. Now, John Chang has decided to bridge the gap between East and West by allowing a book to be published revealing the story of his life, his teachings, and his powers. The Magus of Java is the story of Kosta Danaos's apprenticeship with John Chang, and it is the story of the Mo-Pai, who for the past 2000 years have kept their teachings secret. Included are scientific, physics-based explanations of Chang's paranormal abilities that we in the West consider impossible--abilities witnessed by the author and vividly described. The Magus of Java will surely expedite what may well become the greatest revolution of the twenty-first century--the verification and study of bio-energy. KOSTA DANAOS is a former engineer for General Dynamics, a martial arts instructor in jujutsu and tai ch'i chuan, and a freelance writer with more than 150 publications to his credit. When not traveling in Indonesia or the United States he lives in Athens, Greece.
Marke |
Pocket UK |
9780892818136 |
978-0-89281-813-6 |