The impact of socio-economic development in South Africa has not been fully realised. Black Economic Empowerment was identified and adopted by the new democratic South Africa as an economic policy that will lead to the economic transformation and the ultimate improvement of the quality of life for all South Africans. However, even though the aim and objectives of BEE are commendable, it is evident that the benefits of this economic policy do not really reach the intended beneficiaries-namely, the poorest of the poor on the ground. At corporate level, BEE policy seems to be manipulated in producing a handful "minority of fat-cats" who seem to be oblivious of the plight of the majority of South Africans who face starvation and are continuing to hope against hope on daily basis. It is the intent of this monograph to highlight this deplorable state of affairs and to suggest a BEE model at local community level that when appropriately implemented could lead to the improvement of the functionality and performance of BEE at local government community level.