"Confession" is an autobiographical work by Leo Tolstoy, penned in the late 1870s and early 1880s and initially published in 1884 in Geneva. In Leo Tolstoy's "Confession," he contemplates the meaning of life and faith, shedding light on internal crises and the quest for spiritual enlightenment. The narrative chronicles the author's transition from religious skepticism to a newfound comprehension of faith and the divine. This serves as a poignant personal and philosophical introspection on spirituality and the essence of existence. is an autobiographical work by Leo Tolstoy, penned in the late 1870s and early 1880s and initially published in 1884 in Geneva. In Leo Tolstoy's "Confession," he contemplates the meaning of life and faith, shedding light on internal crises and the quest for spiritual enlightenment. The narrative chronicles the author's transition from religious skepticism to a newfound comprehension of faith and the divine. This serves as a poignant personal and philosophical introspection on spirituality and the essence of existence.