"The Death of Ivan Ilyich" is a masterpiece by one of the greatest writers in the world, the Russian prose writer and thinker, L. N. Tolstoy (1828–1910). The author meticulously crafted this story over the course of four years, even making corrections and adjustments during the proofreading process. It depicts the agonizing departure from life of a judicial official. The narrative is celebrated as one of the peaks of world literature and stands as Tolstoy's paramount achievement in the realm of short literary form. Tolstoy is also renowned for his other works such as "The Forged Coupon", "Three Deaths", "Kholstomer", "The Snowstorm", and "Sevastopol Stories". Leo Tolstoy's oeuvre exerted a profound influence not only on Russian literature but also on global literary discourse. His writings delve deeply into philosophical inquiries, exploring timeless themes such as life and death, emotions and obligations, love and honor.