Lina Rizzoli - Erkenntnis und Reduktion

Lina Rizzoli - Erkenntnis und Reduktion

154,20 €

The book offers an articulated and philological precise reading of some Husserl’s works, including several lectures and manuscripts. A new interpretation of these texts makes possible a new approach to Husserl’s thought as a whole. The purpose of the work is to show that the development of Husserl’s phenomenology of...

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The book offers an articulated and philological precise reading of some Husserl’s works, including several lectures and manuscripts. A new interpretation of these texts makes possible a new approach to Husserl’s thought as a whole. The purpose of the work is to show that the development of Husserl’s phenomenology of knowledge can only be understood if it is put in relation with the concrete but always provisional form of the reduction, which is required by the particular object of the phenomenological research in course. The principle of the reduction is a formal one and needs a continuos translation in new concrete methodological practices. In this sense it represented the real motor of the development of phenomenology from a logicistical theory of knowledge to a static, genetic and transcendental phenomenology.
Marke Springer Netherland
EAN 9781402083969
ISBN 978-1-4020-8396-9


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