In "Number Seventeen," Louis Tracy weaves a gripping narrative that encapsulates elements of mystery and suspense, characteristic of early 20th-century detective fiction. The plot unfurls around a series of enigmatic events set in a seemingly innocuous residence, where dark secrets and unexpected twists challenge perceptions of reality. Tracy's prose balances cinematic action with meticulous detail, immersing readers in an atmosphere charged with tension and intrigue, reflective of the literary styles of contemporaries such as Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. Louis Tracy, an esteemed author from the late 19th to early 20th century, often drew inspiration from his extensive travels and journalistic background, both of which granted him a keen sense of observation and an understanding of human behavior. Born in 1863, Tracy's varied experiences fueled his creative imagination, which he deftly channeled into his writing. His capacity to intertwine thrilling narratives with social commentary reflects his engagement with the world around him, illuminating the psychological depth of his characters. "Number Seventeen" is highly recommended for readers who appreciate finely crafted mysteries steeped in atmosphere and psychological complexity. Tracy's ability to provocatively engage his audience within the realm of suspense promises an enthralling reading experience, making this novel an essential addition to any mystery enthusiast's collection.
Marke |
Good Press |
9788027293100 |
978-80-272-9310-0 |