1997 signaled a fundamental change in the social structure of Chinese from Hong Kong, with disturbing consequences for the Pacific Region. The Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984 set the restoration of Hong Kong to the PRC at July 1, 1997. The impending "Handover" instigated a wave of panic as Hong Kong citizens fled in an exodus. Its repercussions still reverberate, affecting every shore it touches. Transnationalism is a chosen way of life for those existing in two worlds. Fundamental changes affect the social structure of Hong Kong Chinese with serious consequences. This ethnography documents a unique moment in history on a real and personal level: how a people's identity has become, paradoxically, entrenched, while being forever altered, an evolving identity formed by transnationalism, globalization, ethnicity & new structures of kinship ties. It is a study of the dynamics of class economics in a global setting, with major impact on future global economic, migration and social trends. Research organizations dealing with immigration, ethnicity & demographics will find data that allows predictions for future trends that break down barriers of prejudice and hostility.
Marke |
9783639158090 |
978-3-639-15809-0 |