@00000400@@00000327@The second book in M.C. Beaton's charming Travelling Matchmaker series. @00000133@@00000163@@00000400@The delightful Miss Hannah Pym returns to the English countryside in search of adventure and romance in distress.@00000163@@00000400@No sooner does Miss Pym board her next stagecoach than she finds herself embroiled in the plight of Miss Belinda Earle, a spirited heiress banished to Bath after swearing off the marriage market.@00000163@@00000400@When the coach founders near Baddell Castle, and the dashing Marquis of Frenton comes to the rescue, Miss Pym decides to give Fate a hand. Although the austere bachelor disdains romance, his furtive glances towards Belinda prove to Miss Pym that her expert matchmaking will soon turn this star-crossed couple into a heavenly match!@00000163@@00000400@'Romance fans are in for a treat' - @00000373@Booklist@00000155@@00000163@@00000400@'[M. C. Beaton] is the best of the Regency writers' - @00000373@Kirkus Reviews@00000155@@00000163@