«Un descubrimiento maravilloso». -Elle Una historia conmovedora y llena de luz de la estrella revelación de la novela francesa. > Son las primeras palabras del anuncio que Émile publica online un día de finales de junio. Ha decidido huir del hospital, de la compasión que ve en las caras de su familia y de sus amigos. No espera realmente que nadie responda, pero se equivoca. Tres días más tarde, frente a la autocaravana que ha comprado para la escapada le espera Joanne, una mujer con un gran sombrero negro, sandalias doradas, una mochila y ninguna gana de dar explicaciones sobre su presencia allí. Así comienza una increíble aventura. Un camino de reencuentro con el mundo y con la gente. Un recorrido de autodescubrimiento del que brotará alegría, miedo, amistad y un amor que poco a poco perforará la coraza del dolor de Émile. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "A marvelous discovery." -Elle A moving and delightful story by the outbreak star of French literature. "A 26-year-old young man, sentenced to a life of early Alzheimer's, wants to hit the road for one last trip. I am looking for a road trip partner to enjoy this adventure with." These are the first words in the ad that Émile publishes online one day in June. He has decided to run away from the hospital, and from the pity he sees reflected in the faces of his family and his friends. He doesn't really expect anyone to answer the ad, but he's wrong. Three days later, in front of the RV he bought for the trip, awaits Joanne, a woman with a large black hat, golden sandals, a backpack, and no desire to explain her presence there. Thus begins an incredible adventure. A trip to reconnect with people and with the world. A journey of self-discovery from which joy, fear, and friendship will emerge, as well as a love that, little by little, will pierce Émile's armor of pain.