In modern society, computer technology is gaining more and more importance. Mobile phones, personal digital assistants, and other small gadgets increase functionality by constant or decreasing size. With further development of embedded technology, microcontrollers are integrated into everyday devices, making them 'smart'. Besides monitoring and controlling functionality, microcontrollers may also support communication with other devices. Especially wireless communication provides convenience and enables new controlling appliances, but also leads to increased threats to the system. This book highlights security aspects of a modern Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) taking the wireless control network Sindrion as an example. Sindrion aims at the wireless integration of low-power and low-cost embedded devices into a Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) network. After a comprehensive security analysis of the present system, a security architecture called OnSec is presented. Securing mechanisms are carefully chosen, with regard to the limited resources of embedded devices, and the security architecture incorporates mechanisms to relief the limited devices of computational expensive operations.
Marke |
9783836472661 |
978-3-8364-7266-1 |